Signed in as:
My name is Yolanda. I am a Mom-Wife-Veteran-Singer-Speaker-Healer-Author-Poet-Teacher-Coach. My passion for people includes advocating for WHOLENESS--the alignment of Mind-Body-Spirit. I have been actively using my gift of healing for over 25 years through pastoring, spiritual counseling, teaching, writing and coaching.
I am a content creator spreading the Love Message on YouTube and Tiktok. My podcast, “Live Your Bliss” features engaging conversations, excellent storytelling and life hacks. The Maverick Academy is a haven for the Seeker to connect with others on the path to healing and self-mastery.
In addition to my passion for helping others pursue thier passions, I am thrilled to offer LifeVantage products to assist in total body transformation. The products are focused on balance and activation. Nutrigenomics is the future of health. I am excited about making these products available to you to assist you on our journey.
ALL SESSIONS ARE CONDUCTED BY PHONE or ZOOM call. Please note that your scheduled session time is booked in EASTERN STANDARD TIME.
As a Mind-Body-Spirit Wellness Coach, I believe that as the Mind goes, so goes the Body. These products are amazing. Nutrigenomics is the future of health as we continue to raise the vibration of this planet. Because I am passionate about your total health, I am offering a free coaching session to help you map your goals when you sign up for a healthy weight or healthy glow subscription. These are my highly recommended product because I currently use them.
A VIRTUAL LEARNING environment to offering holistic counseling, mentoring and educational courses for personal growth, healing and self-discovery. The Maverick Academy helps you connect more fully to your Divine Self in a safe, supportive environment.
The Maverick Experience provides you with up to three opportunities for us to be in sessions/classes/gatherings together. During this time you will be able to learn, share and grow with others on the leadership journey. This includes your 30 minute personal weekly one-on-one coaching session.
A Seat at The Round Table provides:
-All access to courses and all digital content and curriculum of The Maverick Academy
-WEEKLY LIVE Group Sessions for Energy Work and Healing.
-Empowering discussions for soul growth.
Sunflowers have access to early video releases, certain online courses and other resources for support. You will have access to a private community chat to receive individual support for your journey. My Sunflower tier is designed for those that are new to spiritual ascension needing assistance on working through their Shadow Work.
Your one-on-one coaching session is designed for personal development, accountability and mentorship.
My objective will be to:
-inspire and motivate the Leader in you
-Share knowledge and wisdom
-Reach goals and milestones
-Discover and overcome mental/emotional/spiritual blockages
-unlock your potential
-Establish your skill set to create change
If you have been on your spiritual journey for 4 or more years, this fellowship is for you. Not only will you have access to all Messages and Gatherings, you will be able to participate in conversations with like-minded Community Members that can assist and empower you.
The Twin Flame Journey or, the Kundalini Awakening can be hard when you feel misunderstood and isolated. This Community is a safe space to receive assistance as you work through the denser energies of Shadow work.
The Akasha records the past events of your life to help you understand your karma and spiritual heritage. Maximize your manifesting to move into richer experiences that include expansion and soul growth. You will move forward confidently knowing that you are divinely supported with every step of your Journey.
When you order this video, you will : (1) Receive a clear, personalized message about the soul lessons you have been learning. (2) explain the "high-value" gifts you have that activates the wealth codes programmed in your DNA. (3) determine what actions/beliefs may keep you stuck in repeating cycles/patterns. Please allow up to 72 hours after you place your order to receive your video link.
This book contains strategies to cope with the vacillations of The Mind. Use it as a "go-to" resource so that you don't waste another year becoming frustrated with your process out of fear or resistance to CHANGE.
Get ready to be happy! This guide will discuss the three components of a healthy relationship: mutuality, respect and reciprocity. Included in this guide is a self-guided journal exercise entitled, "Why do I want to be married?" It is designed for introspection over the next 6-8 weeks to provoke thought and reflection about your expectations of your potential/current Partner.
This guide will help you:
Sign up to hear about special offerings and events. Connect with me!
For questions or comments, please send me a message and I will get back to you in 24 hours.
By Appointment
ADD THIS TO YOUR SPRING BAG! AVAILABLE NOW exclusively on my website. Get comfortable to receive over an hour full of information to help you find your bliss this Spring. The theme: NEW MANAGEMENT. The things you let go of have made so much space for the new, abundant, life-giving experiences that await you over the next 11 weeks.